Hey there, I'm Kara

I’m a homeschool mom of four very busy boys. Most days feel like I’m the ringleader in a circus and I can’t remember the last time I actually got to eat my food while it’s still hot, or cold, or whatever temperature it was supposed to be. I live in a lot of chaos and it can feel like too much a lot of the time, but the truth is I love it. I love being a mother and helping my babies experience all that it is to be human. I turned to photography hoping to hold on to some of those precious moments in my own life and I am so grateful to be able to do the same for so many friends, family and clients.
As a photographer, she is detail oriented, inspired, and uniquely creative. She captures the emotions and people as they are in all stages, in all varieties, and showcases their wonderful individuality.
Her nature, above all else, is diligent. In all her many roles, she cares immensely and takes great care in getting a job done.
Katie Tall
I love to make new friends
I’m that crazy lady that makes friends at the grocery store. True, it helps having a five year old that has to say “Hi,” to everyone in the grocery store. But it may also have to do with the fact that as a child, I moved 5 time in 8 years. I’ve lived in more countries than I have states and so I learned quickly how to make friends. Most people I meet become instant friends that evolve into my family. I just can’t help myself, I figure we could all use more people in our village.
Ps. I always get asked, where all did you live? So here’s the list: Tokyo, Japan; Gilbert, Arizona; Seoul, South Korea; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Sendai, Japan; Austin, Texas; Provo, Utah; Panama City, Panama and currently Vineyard, Utah.
I love me some interior design…
Having moved around so much, I’ve learned to create “home” wherever I am. At the young age of 11, I remember drawing out designs for my next bedroom, looking past another impending move across the ocean. With experience and age, I still love planning and designing. But I have also learned to find the good, right where I am. From a small dirt floor in Panama, to a three story mansion in Korea, I’ve lived in a lot of different circumstances and learned to cherish the good in each stage of my life. However, no matter the stage, it seems Target, Anthropologie, Rifle Paper and Joanna Gaines will always have my loyalty.
I love the planet Earth
I am tree hugger. I once aspired to become an environmental lawyer, to speak up for the things I love, that have no voice of their own. I live to be outdoors and love all of the amazing creatures that live on our planet, even the ones too small to be seen. However, after considering the lifestyle that a lawyer would have lived, I chose to be a biology teacher instead. I hoped to instill some of the care that I have, of the earth, into others. I taught seventh grade science for several years, until my sweet babies came along, and I embraced full time motherhood. Now I spend my days homeschooling my babies in the great outdoors.